Business in Merrimac QLD 4226
Listed August 2024👉👉👉Gold Coast Chinese Takeaway For Sale $110,000 Net
The sale price includes all equipment except stock. The Seller operates the restaurant business for more than 5 years, and all equipment are only 5 years old.
The restaurant is located at the residential area and has many loyalty local customers. The sales approximately $12,000 per week in operating 6 days.
The rent is approximately $820 per week including GST and outgoings; and the lease expires in 2029.
Please contact Agent Mei Cen on 0403 677 339 or email at to arrange private inspections.
请联系代理岑晓梅手机 0403 677 339 或电子邮件 安排时间检验这间中餐外卖店。